Data Privacy Will Be The Most Important Issue In The Next Decade

It’s been an information con job. Companies lulled us into thinking we were simply connecting with our friends, finding our way around town, or locating the perfect sweater. While we were extolling the virtues of each new digital tool and talking up the latest apps to each other, companies were building a multi-billion dollar war chest of information to use against us. As the saying goes, “you are the product.”

Information, data privacy and security concerns are a persistent trend that we’ve been reporting on nearly every year since computers started booting up. And now, the economic stakes, social consequences and technology get more and more serious and complex. Privacy issues used to be centered around evading online activity trackers as they follow you around with ads for things you don’t want (or do you?). Now exposed as central to all too many political and ethical scandals, data privacy has become one of the defining social and cultural issues of our era.

Read more in Forbes here.


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